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Get a candid glimpse into daily life in a small village on the island of Aneityum by visiting with a local family.
When Europeans first landed on volcanically formed Aneityum in 1793, the island’s population was well over 10,000. In time, the Europeans built a trading station to export sandalwood and timber from the indigenous kauri pines, and whalers set up a base of operation. The population is a fraction of what it was, with the inhabitants now living in small villages. One of the local families will show you around and describe their daily routine.
You may learn about the island folklore, the differing roles of men and women in modern times and how plants are used for medicinal purposes. Aneityum has more species of orchids than any other island in Vanuatu, and you can expect to see them flourishing. Your hosts may also demonstrate how the villagers prepare and cook traditional dishes.