We work with reputable, local tour operators to offer you a wide variety of excursions to choose from, in every port you’ll visit.
We offer you convenience, flexibility and peace of mind.
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Our most popular tours sell out quickly so we recommend that you book early to avoid disappointment.
Follow a winding trail through the gorgeous wilderness that surrounds Sitka with a local guide that will describe the flora, fauna and natural beauty in fascinating detail. The guide will select a trail that is ideally suited to your group so everyone can enjoy the experience. You can expect to hike six to 10 miles, mostly likely through the Tongass National Forest, a massive protected woodlands that covers most of southeast Alaska. After considering the weather conditions, the sights that would be most appealing to the group and all the possible trails, the guide will choose one that will best present the pristine wilderness. Many of the trails rim crystal-clear mountain lakes, others such as the Indian River Trail follow salmon streams, while still others offer views of Sitka Sound and the islands just off shore. Every trail has unique attributes that will make for a memorable, immensely scenic hike.
• Hike along a scenic trail that the guide selects specifically for your group.
• Enjoy the serenity of the wilderness and one gorgeous view after another.
• Gain an understanding of the flora and fauna as the guide describes them.
• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.